Doxee Pvideo® for the insurance industry: the campaign for Unipol Sai
Insurance and, in general, the prevention and management of damages are very sensitive issues in a person’s life. For this reason, it is essential that they be the subject of simple and clear communication, not least because well-designed messages can help customers overcome the reluctance and mistrust around dealing with such issues.
Among other things, the insurance world is often perceived as complex and cumbersome: UnipolSai, on the other hand, needs to make insurance management understandable and accessible, always with a view toward building a solid and lasting relationship of trust with its customers. In addition to this is the need to be effective in contacting policyholders at a particularly delicate moment in their customer journey, namely that of renewing automotive liability and policies in general, which must be perceived as a comfortable, immediate, and convenient process.
The third need for an industry leader such as UnipolSai is also to identify efficient business solutions that allow communication and customer management while reducing costs, yet without decreasing quality and effectiveness.
For these reasons, the solution had to be digital in order to meet the needs of users and the group, but also to guarantee a multichannel experience as much as possible, in order to be perceived as relevant and consistent with the behavior trends of consumers, who increasingly prefer brands and companies that are able to smoothly and uniformly integrate different touch points.

A personalized and interactive campaign
In light of these needs, UnipolSai decided to turn to Doxee to develop an innovative and effective solution capable of conveying clear and engaging messages. The choice fell on the Doxee Pvideo® product, which makes it possible to enrich communication, making it a highly relevant interactive experience, and to make the most of a strategic touchpoint such as the smartphone to communicate the impending expiration of the insurance policy.
- Digitization has made it possible to decrease costs and to make message dissemination and customer approach more widespread and effective
- The use of Doxee PVideo® has made it possible to make UnipolSai CRM much more efficient and sophisticated
- The personalization offered within the video made the communication more relevant by managing to capture the user’s attention
- The interactivity of the video made the experience more agile and convenient for the user who was able to perform part of the actions simply by interacting with the video content
- Doxee Pvideo® technology lends itself well to building a perfectly multichannel journey, connecting and making all available touch points work in harmony