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Doxee has been included by Forrester in a digital claims management report

Doxee leading provider of insurance solutions

Doxee has been included in The Forrester Tech Tide™ : Digital Claims Management, Q4 2019. 

In this Tech Tide, Forrester analyzes the maturity and business value of the 16 technology categories that support claims management. According to the report, claims already account for between 50% and 75% of the total costs incurred by companies.

Among the various technologies that support claims management processes, Customer Communications Management is a fundamental component that comes into play at all moments of interaction between the company and the customer throughout the claims management process. Even when the claim is relatively simple, its management can take several weeks until it is resolved. 

The analysis shows that careful investment is necessary to optimize costs, ensure continuity of communication and updates to the insured, and above all, to expand the vision to seize a great opportunity in claims management. 

For these reasons, Forrester believes that the choice of technologies and suppliers in the insurance sector is strategic, since it directly influences the Customer Experience. 

Executive directors of insurance companies are advised to pay close attention to the characteristics of the provider and the technology offered. Doxee is recognized as an innovative market leader in CCM, thanks to its long experience working with leading global companies.

Doxee’s mission is to transform the quality and mode of communication during moments of interaction between the insurance company and the insured to improve the customer experience and ensure the company’s competitiveness over time.

With Doxee Document Experience dx, insurers have a product that fully supports the entire flow of communication in claims management processes, using captivating, personalized, and multi-channel communication to enhance the customer experience through an effective customer experience.  

Doxee dx is the cloud-native CCM product that provides scalability and continuity and seamlessly integrates with the Doxee Pvideo® and Doxee Pweb® Interactive Experience products.

Their combined adoption enables companies to increase the quality of communications and reach a higher level of customer engagement. Doxee Pweb® and Doxee Pvideo® enable companies to create interactive micro websites and videos with highly personalized content created based on each customer’s data. Interactive Experience products can reduce the distance between company and customer by increasing customer loyalty through the provision of relevant and engaging user experience.

By June 2019, Doxee ix products had already been included in Forrester’s Now Tech as one of the 35 global providers of B2B video platforms that support marketing and sales processes.

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