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The power of video marketing: some facts to etch in stone

The power of video marketing

The power of video marketing today is widely recognized. This tool could be made even more powerful with personalization through Doxee Pvideo®.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth as much as an entire library”, as stated by the Facebook director of AI and machine learning Srinivas Narayanan. In short, one of those who looks into the future by profession! At this point, we may argue: “What a catchphrase! Wonderful words (indeed) “. But where are the facts?

Here they are. Market Wired, for example, has estimated that a one-minute video is as strong as 1,8 million words for a consumer, and they are not the only ones. This is the power of video marketing! Here are some other figures, that compel anyone involved in Marketing to stop and meditate on their business strategies, in order to readapt them.


How many videos do we watch every day?

Let’s start with YouTube, the most popular video platform, and the second most popular search engine in the world, after Google. Every day on Youtube we look at over a billion video hours, in 88 different countries and in 76 languages.

As to social networks: Facebook has decided to invest heavily in the video field, promoting the upload by personal and business profiles, rewarding its visibility. Every day about 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook. Between 2016 and 2017, in just one year, branded video views have increased by 99% on Youtube and 258% on Facebook.

The power if video marketing is evident also on Twitter, where a video content is 6 times more likely to be retweeted than a photo. And Instagram – the social network that registers the greatest rise in terms of popularity – pushes more strongly on video content, which often is used in the stories.


The power of video marketing

In 2017, 63% of companies used videos in their marketing strategies. In 2018 this figure grew to 80%.  According to a research conducted by Google, about 50% of users search for videos of a product before buying it in a store (physical or online).

Adobe has calculated that potential customers watching a video demo will proceed to purchase with a 181% higher probability than those who do not watch it. Including videos on a landing page increases the conversion rate by 80% (Blog Unbounce). Companies that take advantage of the power of video marketing campaigns get a CTR (Click-through rate) 27% higher, and a conversion rate 34% higher than companies that do not use them (Blog Buffer).

It is enough to write “video” in the subject of a mail – in a newsletter campaign – to increase its opening rate by 19% and its click-through rate by 65% (Blog HubSpot). If this were not enough, here is another very relevant fact: 52% of marketers state that videos are the content with the best ROI.


Finally: how to enhance the power of video marketing

The data so far provided are eloquent, but they highlight one of the main problems faced nowadays by those involved in video marketing. Because of the overexposure of information to which users are subjected and the huge amount of video that is promoted every day on all the main digital channels, how can we gain the attention of buyers potentially interested in what our company wants to communicate and take advantage of the power of video marketing?

The most advanced targeting and clustering techniques, which use the data to make less dispersive and more effective the message we want to launch, do help us. But also and above all personalization, which exploits one of the most ancient and effective communication mechanisms: addressing every single person, taking advantage of what we know about him/her to personalize the message.

The latest generation tools, such as Doxee Pvideo®, are able to consistently improve CTR and conversion rate, maximizing the ROI (Return on Investment) of marketing campaigns that take advantage of customized video technology, and maximizing the engagement of video-marketing campaigns.

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